
External coherence meaning
External coherence meaning

external coherence meaning

Restrictions against beginning a sentence with and or but are based on shaky grammatical foundations some of the most influential writers in the language have been happily ignoring such restrictions for centuries.* Over-used, beginning a sentence with a conjunction can be distracting, but the device can add a refreshing dash to a sentence and speed the narrative flow of your text. But often the initial conjunction calls attention to the sentence in an effective way, and that's just what you want. Isn't the conjunction at the beginning of the sentence a sign that the sentence should have been connected to the prior sentence? Well, sometimes, yes.

external coherence meaning

However, the question whether one can begin a sentence with a small conjunction often arises. The use of the little conjunctions — especially and and but — comes naturally for most writers.

external coherence meaning external coherence meaning

Transitional tags run the gamut from the most simple — the little conjunctions: and, but, nor, for, yet, or, (and sometimes) so — to more complex signals that ideas are somehow connected — the conjunctive adverbs and transitional expressions such as however, moreover, nevertheless, on the other hand.įor additional information on conjunctions, click HERE. There are four basic mechanical considerations in providing transitions between ideas: using transitional expressions, repeating key words and phrases, using pronoun reference, and using parallel form. You might be able to leap from one side of the stream to the other believe that your readers need some stepping stones and be sure to place them in readily accessible and visible spots. In fact, it's a good idea to assume not only that your readers need all the information that you have and need to know how you arrived at the point you're at, but also that they are not quite as quick as you are. You must never assume that your readers know what you know. Providing transitions between ideas is largely a matter of attitude. Unless readers can move easily from one thought to another, they will surely find something else to read or turn on the television. The most convincing ideas in the world, expressed in the most beautiful sentences, will move no one unless those ideas are properly connected.

External coherence meaning